Thursday, February 9, 2012

How To Achieve Your Target

The Five DO’S:

Strategic Tip #1: DO commit to and act as a strategic leader.
Be proactive and seize the opportunity to step forward and lead.

Strategic Tip #2: DO commit to be and be a rapport builder.
High visibility people develop rapport with almost every individual with whom they come in contact. Highly visible people are communication builders.

Strategic Tip #3: DO commit to and be a contributor.
Give, not for the opportunity to get, but because you recognize that ultimately it will result in more opportunities to give.

Strategic Tip #4: DO commit to and be an idea generator.
 Highly visible people are seen as resources and people who can really help move a business, an organization and/or ideas forward.

Strategic Tip #5: DO commit to and become involved in the whole process.
 Highly visible people demonstrate their intentions with their actions. They “walk the talk.

”The Five DON’TS

Strategic Tip #6: DON’T limit yourself to simply being a joiner.
 And don’t attend only a meeting or two with sole purpose to sell something.

Strategic Tip #7: DON’T be a “non-involved” member of an organization.
Don’t stand in the background.

Strategic Tip #8: DON’T expect prospects to come to you without you reaching out to them.
Don’t expect anything to happen if you don’t initiate contact.

Strategic Tip #9: DON’T limit yourself to meeting only a few people.
 Don’t limit your influence to a small group of prospects you actually meet.

Strategic Tip #10: DON’T limit yourself to producing only a few contacts per opportunity.
 Don’t exhibit a lack of energy or enthusiasm when faced with an opportunity to meet and interact with people in your target market.


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